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Training with Boise Underground

Micro Church Leadership Training

Want to grow and learn more about this work as you lead or seek to lead a micro church?

On the 3rd Sunday of every month, we'll be hosting a Micro Church Leadership Training with The Syndicate, from 6-8pm at Sojourn Church. Dinner and childcare will be provided! This will be a time to engage deeper with other leaders, participate in training, hear from other practitioners, and more.

The next trainings will be:
- October 20
- November 17

Micro Church Summit

On September 7, we'll be hosting a day of training and equipping you on how to do Micro Church, best practices, and repeatable rhythms.

You'll hear from leaders in our valley, and be inspired to try out some things on your own as we start a new school year.

They'll be food, space for questions and conversation, and more!

(Location TBD.)

RSVP Here!

Missionary Pathway Training

We believe simple, small expressions of church is God's strategy for reaching the lost, the lonely and those far from God.

Join us for an 8 week intensive course, where you'll be trained to be a missionary to your neighborhood.

The next training is TBD. Check back here for updates!

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