You're invited to the Boise Underground Everyday Mission Conference, where we're going to be diving into the key ways that the church participates in God's mission, with four different content tracks. Click on each track to learn more about it, and scroll down to see what each breakout includes.
With tickets at only $25.00, this two-day event is designed for EVERYONE, not just church or ministry leaders. If you're a human being who interacts with other people who don't know Jesus, this conference if for you, to help us connect with each other as friends on mission to saturate our city with the good news of Jesus, using the strategies of Jesus to do so.
5:00- Doors open
6:00- Main Session #1: God is sending His people- Where is he sending you?
7:30- Break
7:45-9:00- Breakout 1
8:30- Breakfast snacks & coffee
9:00- Main Session #2: Zeal + Contemplation, Activist Monks
10:00: Breakout 2
11: Break
11:15: Breakout 3
2:00: Main Session #3: Justice, Beauty and Good News in Practice
2:30: Youth Panel
3:00: Breakout 4
4:00: Main Session #4:
Simple People- Microchurch as the Irreducible Minimum of Church
How we define outreach and neighborhood establishes a framework of what we can and should do. Join us in a conversation about the why, what, and who of outreach and being missional. Lastly, encounter simple yet challenging practices that help us to be a neighbor like the good Samaritan.
In this session, we’ll dive into the heart of the Great Commission as found in Matthew 28:18-20, exploring how Jesus’ command to "go and make disciples of all nations" was meant to create a movement of multiplying disciples, not just converts. Through the lens of 3DM discipleship methods, we’ll challenge ourselves to rethink what it means to follow Jesus, shifting from a passive faith to one that actively makes disciples who make disciples. This session will provide both the what and why of the Great Commission, looking at how we can take practical steps toward the Way of Jesus in our own lives and context.
Come hear from Cory McElvain from Zero Hour Ministries in Kansas City about how God is orchestrating gospel movement through disciple-making teams in KC high schools. Zero Hour is a youth-led movement training and mobilizing students to be disciple-makers in their schools!
In order to share the good news, we must learn how to be good news to those around us. Learn practical ways to engage your community by building a lifestyle of blessing.
We’re supposed to make disciples who make disciples… so how do we do it? In this session we’ll focus on identifying our “people of peace”—those individuals who are open to the message of Jesus and ready to grow in their faith. We’ll talk about discipleship huddles, small, intentional gatherings designed to cultivate both the character and competency of Christ in each participant. Through the lens of 3DM’s approach, we’ll challenge you with the apostle Paul's bold invitation to "Follow me as I follow Christ." Are you ready to extend that same challenge to others in your life? If yes, let’s discuss how. If not, let’s talk about why!
In this breakout session, Cory provides basic training on how students can make disciples using Prayer, Meals, and Discovery Bible Study (DBS) in a simple, reproducible way.
Effective leadership starts with a whole heart. Many leaders struggle with fragmentation and burnout. In this session, we’ll explore how to align our minds with truth, ignite passion in our souls, and cultivate obedience in our will—leading to a more resilient and impactful leadership journey.
God is sending the nations to Boise. Learn how to engage with our international friends and neighbors.
In this interactive session, we’ll engage in a live discipleship huddle, giving you a hands-on experience of what it’s like to be part of a small, intentional group focused on spiritual growth. Using Mark 1 and 2, we’ll look at how Jesus led his disciples and how- incredibly!- we can do the same. Through reflection and discussion, we’ll uncover how embracing our identity in Christ is key to our freedom and transformation. This session will not only give you a taste of the huddle process but also provide insights into how discipleship can shape and strengthen both our personal walk with Christ and our ability to disciple others.
In this breakout, we are going to participate in God’s mission by prayer-walking high school campuses together in groups. Participants will receive instructions and a guide in the youth house and then head out to pray. We will meet for lunch at Tin Roof Tacos downtown afterward to discuss the experience.
Great teams don’t happen by chance. Discover a polycentric approach to leadership rooted in Ephesians 4:11’s “five voices of Jesus” typology. Learn how to foster a culture where every voice on your team is heard, valued, and activated for maximum impact.
Be ready to give an answer for the Hope you have. Learn resources and practice methods for sharing your testimony and using everyday conversation to share the word of God.
This time is designed for those who have sensed God speaking to them during the conference and are eager to take the next step in faithful obedience. It’s a space to come together, share what we’ve heard from God, and discern how to respond with action. We’ll focus on the practice of listening to God’s promptings and taking small, intentional steps of belief, even when the next step may feel unclear or daunting. We will walk through a Kairos learning circle, our favorite tool for transformation, and move from hearing to doing- bringing our faith into our everyday lives.
A clear missional goal can be your team’s guiding star in all they do. Learn how to define your team’s missional North Star and implement strategies to stay on course. Beyond hard work, we’ll discuss how leaders can embrace sustainable rhythms of work and rest, ensuring long-term fruitfulness and well-being.
We are so excited to welcome our friends from Tampa and Kansas City Undergrounds as speakers at our Everyday Mission Conference.
Jeremy Stephens is one of the original founders of the Underground Network serving microchurch leaders for 20 years as a trainer, strategic planner and communicator. Currently, as a bivo leader, he consults with the translocal planting arm of the Underground Network and coaches church planters. Previously he was a missionary with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.
Jeremy holds a Bachelor’s degree in Special Education and is an ordained elder with the Underground Network. He loves leading microchurches, reaching the lost and enjoys Premiere League soccer. Jeremy resides in Tampa with 4 kids and one wife.
Cory McElvain is the founder of Zero Hour Ministries, a movement dedicated to equipping Gen Z to take the gospel to their schools and communities. With over 18 years of experience in next-gen ministry, he has a heart for disciple-making and a passion for seeing young people walk in radical obedience to Jesus. Cory has helped launch micro churches and train students to live on mission. He is also a writer and creative storyteller, using film photography and reflective narratives to communicate deep spiritual truths. Cory lives in Kansas City with his wife, Celicia, and their two children, Luca (3) and Taya (1). Whether through teaching, writing, or mentoring, his mission is to empower the next generation to step into their calling as everyday disciple-makers.
For over three decades, Bill (along with his wife Jill) have followed Jesus across the United States and throughout the world to launch and lead missional teams and churches and train countless emerging leaders to serve Jesus courageously to advance his Kingdom. Since 2014 they have served as full time missionaries with Novo, a band of creative missionaries sent to multiply movements of the gospel and mobilize the church for that mission around the world. Bill serves as a VP for Novo and directs the Gospel Movement Teams division that is made up of 20+ teams serving in cities around the world. Bill has an earned doctorate from Fuller Theological Seminary and is the author of The Life Jesus Made Possible: Embracing he Kingdom within our reach.